CU tipped for ITV sponsorship deal

Marketing Week

ITV is understood to have signed up Commercial Union to sponsor the next series of top-rating Sunday night drama series London’s Burning. It is expected to be the largest network sponsorship deal struck so far this year. However, close links between a sponsor’s business and its sponsored programme’s subject have caused problems with other deals. […]

Ailing Express to sack 220 staff

Marketing Week

United News & Media, owner of Express Newspapers, is to make 220 staff redundant by the end of the year. City analysts are speculating the redundancies are in longer term preparation for a sale of the ailing national newspaper group.

Adapting to new client strategies

Marketing Week

It is one thing for an advertising agency to win an account, another to hang on to the business when the client decides a change of direction is needed. The financial constraints of the Nineties are imposing harsher conditions on agencies and clients alike. In a series of articles, Marketing Week, looks at the implications […]

No Title

Marketing Week

Lever Brothers is running ads on TV and in the women’s press next week to launch the Country Garden version of the fabric conditioner brand Comfort. Country Garden will replace its green bottle equivalent, Island Fresh – dropped because of poor sales. The ad campaign for Country Garden will focus on the emotional values attached […]

Iceland ads show shift in brand image

Marketing Week

Iceland is likely to drop its “Mum’s gone to Iceland” advertising slogan in a new strategic advertising campaign which breaks this autumn. The campaign, through WCRS, will encourage occasional shoppers to increase the number of visits they make to the chain’s stores. The chain will move away from its focus on price and launch a […]

Opel links up with MTV for Tigra drive

Marketing Week

Opel, General Motors’ European subsidary, has struck a deal with MTV Europe which will result in the production of 2,000 limited edition MTV Summertime Tigra cars. The licensing arrangement is part of an integrated package to support Opel’s sponsorship of MTV’s summer programming. It is the first time this type of deal has been secured […]

Guinness Worldwide hunts npd supremo

Marketing Week

Guinness Brewing Worldwide is understood to be seeking a new product development (npd) chief. According to sources, the brewing company has hired a headhunting firm to help it fill the 70,000 post. The job, as worldwide director of npd, is expected to be based at the Guinness Ireland operation which houses the Guin ness Brewing […]

Stena plans fifth high-speed ferry

Marketing Week

Stena Sealink is considering adding a fifth high-speed ferry to its key Dover-Calais route after its French pooling part ner, SNAT, pulled two ferries to form SeaFrance P&O, which runs five passenger ferries between Dover and Calais, has rejected fast ferries as not viable. Stena Sealink also says it will add an extra superferry to […]

Warner Brothers goes on a hyped crusade

Marketing Week

US estimates suggest Warner Brothers will have used almost $60m of media exposure from Warner and its promotional partners to support the release of Batman Forever. The company has used the movie’s release to relaunch – in effect – the Batman brand. The second movie, Batman Returns directed by Tim Burton, was deemed too dark […]

Brain awards 2m ale launch to MBA

Marketing Week

Cardiff-based brewer SA Brain has appointed MBA to help with its national roll-out of premium cask-conditioned ale, Brain’s SA. The account is claimed to be worth up to 2m, although details of the budget and strategy have yet to be finalised. The initial spend is likely to be considerably less. MBA saw off competition from […]

NHS Loto tests on-line sales at retailers

Marketing Week

NHS Loto, the lottery organisation which relaunched in June (MW May 12), plans to add retail sales to its direct distribution. It will begin testing on-line terminals in the London area from October in 1,000 independent and small multiple retailers. It aims to roll out the terminals to 5,000 stores by the end of the […]

McDonald’s ‘bigger than Jesus Christ’

Marketing Week

Ronald McDonald is more famous than Jesus, if the latest research is to be believed. The trademark symbols for Shell and McDonald’s are more globally recognisable than the Christian cross, according to research conducted for the International Olympic Committee. In a survey of 7,000 people in six countries, 88 per cent identified the two commercial […]

French line bids to put wind in its sales

Marketing Week

French ferry company SNAT’s rebirth as SeaFrance will be the catalyst for the biggest structural change in the cross-channel market since Eurotunnel ran its first passenger train. SNAT is the cross-channel arm of French state railway SNCF. Its decision to go it alone marks the end of a 26-year Dover-Calais pooling arrangement or “marriage of […]