BBH guards its ulterior motive

Marketing Week

Rumours following the BA pitch of Bartle Bogle Hegarty leaving independent status behind have been scotched, or at least confused, by its creation of media dependant Motive. Jon Rees weighs up the implications of the move

Name dropping

Marketing Week

Creating a mass- market brand is an expensive business. But, as Martin Croft explains, a strong corporate identity can provide an effective short-cut. By conveying the right image to consumers, companies can more easily extend established bran

Deregulation no comfort to bookmakers, report claims

Marketing Week

Deregulation in the bookmaking industry will not offset the damage inflicted by scratchcard games on its turnover, according to a report by Natwest Securities. The launch of National Lottery scratchcard games in mid-March has reduced turnover by bookmakers such as Coral, Ladbrokes and William Hill, by up to eight per cent, the report claims. And […]

BBH guards its ulterior motive

Marketing Week

Rumours following the BA pitch of Bartle Bogle Hegarty leaving independent status behind have been scotched, or at least confused, by its creation of media dependant Motive. Jon Rees weighs up the implications of the move

TBWA splits with 1.3m Jameson

Marketing Week

TBWA has split from Campbell Distillers and lost the 1.3m (Register-MEAL) Jameson whiskey account as a result. The drinks company is likely to centralise the whole of its advertising into one agency. Campbell Distillers is the UK subsidiary of Pernod Ricard. CME.KHBB holds the Pernod account but there is no suggestion the 900,000 business is […]

No Title

Marketing Week

News round-up gives readers an at-a-glance overview of this month’s packaging and design news.

Deregulation no comfort to bookmakers, report claims

Marketing Week

Deregulation in the bookmaking industry will not offset the damage inflicted by scratchcard games on its turnover, according to a report by Natwest Securities. The launch of National Lottery scratchcard games in mid-March has reduced turnover by bookmakers such as Coral, Ladbrokes and William Hill, by up to eight per cent, the report claims. And […]

Disney Channel hires QVC rival

Marketing Week

The Disney Channel UK has appointed Mike Spencer, marketing manager of rival cable TV channel QVC, as marketing director, in preparation for its launch on October 1. This latest appointment will force The Disney Channel to speed up its decision on an advertising agency. The channel is understood to be looking at two agencies. It […]

Jacobs develops Twiglets campaign in classrooms

Marketing Week

Snack brand Twiglets is going into 10,000 schools in a bid to broaden its appeal to children. The move represents one of the most sophisticated efforts at sponsorship of educational materials undertaken by a brand owner. The project has been developed by advertising agency McCann-Erickson to exploit its Twiglet Zone campaign for Jacob’s Bakeries. Working […]

Chiat/Day loses 28m Fruitopia

Marketing Week

Coca-Cola’s decision to move its $45m (28.1m) Fruitopia account out of Omnicom’s Chiat/Day network worldwide will come as a blow to the UK agency’s efforts to sell itself as a standalone agency within the group. Coca-Cola is handing the business to roster agency Leo Burnett without a pitch. As predicted in Marketing Week (April 14) […]

CIA Medianetwork top duo replaced in Euro shake-up

Marketing Week

CIA Medianetwork International has parted company with chairman Rick Sheldon and shunted managing director Mike Morris into a new role in CIA Group, the main holding company. The two will be replaced by Mainardo Denardis, currently managing director of CIA Medianetwork Europe – which runs the continent excluding the UK. He joins on July 1. […]