Take part: Marketing Week’s annual Career and Salary Survey is now open

Help us create the marketing industry’s most robust report into careers, salaries and workplace trends.

Are you paid fairly? How has Covid-19 impacted your role? Which is the best sector to work in? Has the gender pay gap improved?

These are just some of the questions we are looking to answer in the annual Marketing Week Career and Salary Survey and we need your help to do it.

Take the survey

Please take 10 minutes to fill out the survey and help us create the industry’s most in-depth census of marketing careers and salaries.

With your help we will be able to uncover some of the most interesting and prominent workplace trends for the year ahead, the results of which will inform a number of features in January and beyond.

The survey is open now and anyone who takes part will be entered into a prize draw to win a £50 Amazon voucher.

