Mental health, loyalty, consumer confidence: 5 interesting stats to start your week

We arm you with all the numbers you need to tackle the week ahead.

Most Gen Z consumers think brands advocating for better mental health do it ‘for show’

Over half (53%) of UK Gen Z consumers think brands advocating for better mental health “do it for show”, finds research from Sortlist.

While the majority of young consumers do not believe that brands speaking up on the issue are sincere, over two-thirds (67%) do believe that brands ought to care about mental health.

While Gen Z want brands to care about their consumers’ mental health, 27% of UK companies report they don’t consider users’ mental health when posting on social media.

For brands that don’t pay attention to the mental health of their consumers or prospective consumers, there could be significant consequences, particularly for younger consumers. Over a third (35%) of Gen Z UK consumers say they have chosen to boycott a brand due to its perceived negative impact on mental health.

Across all issues, Gen Z consumers generally hold brands to a higher standard, with 80% stating they are likely to base purchases on a brand’s mission or purpose.

Source: Sortlist

Consumer confidence stages end-of-year rally but uncertainty continues

Consumer confidence has returned to growth after taking a nose dive last month, according to GfK’s most recent Consumer Confidence Index, but it remains firmly in negative territory.

The overall index score – a combined measure of consumers’ confidence in their own financial situation and their perception of the state of the economy – rose by six points in November. But while all five measures are up compared to last month it remains at -24.

People’s view of their personal finances over the last year is up three points to -16, while consumers’ forecast of their finances over the next 12 months is up five points to -3, a 26-point rise compared to last year.

While things have improved, consumers are still feeling broadly negative about the overall health of the economy. Consumer sentiment about the economic situation over the next 12 months rose by six points to -26, while the measure of the past 12 months increased five points to -49.

Meanwhile, the major purchase index, a measure of how likely consumers are to buy higher value goods and services, is up 10 points to -24.

Joe Staton, client strategy director at GfK says consumers are clearly feeling more confident than before but are still “hesitant”.

“Although they know that officially inflation has reduced, the cost of living crisis is very real for many and it will be some time before that feeling changes. Headlines celebrating a robust return of consumer confidence are still a long way off,” he says.

Source: GfK

Aldi tops 2023 Christmas ad effectiveness rankings

Aldi has been crowned by System1 as the top Christmas ad for 2023, continuing the discounter’s run of success in festive campaigns.

Aldi’s ‘Kevin and the Christmas Factory’ featuring its recurring Kevin the Carrot character scores the highest of all the Christmas ads, according to System1’s data.

System1 uses audiences’ emotional responses to predict the long-term effectiveness of ads. The scale runs from one star to 5.9 stars.

It’s the fifth year in a row that an ad featuring Kevin the Carrot has hit five stars, and this year marks the brand’s second maximum score of 5.9 in a row.

It is followed by Coca-Cola’s long-running ‘Holidays are Coming’ ad, Amazon’s ‘Joy Ride’, retailer The Works’ ‘Unwrap Real Value Gifts’, M&S Food’s ad reprising the role of Dawn French’s fairy, Morrisons’ ad featuring singing oven gloves and Barbour’s ‘Shaun the Sheep x Baa-Bour’, all of which also score 5.9 stars. System1 breaks the tie to crown Aldi as the most effective by folding in its Spike rating, which forecasts short-term sales impact.

It’s been a particularly strong crop of Christmas ads this year, according to System1’s rankings. Last year 16 brands’ Christmas campaigns broke the five star barrier – with five of those receiving a maximum rating of 5.9. This year, according to System1 data, 20 brands’ ads received 5-stars, with seven scoring 5.9-stars.

Source: System1

Nearly a fifth of marketing firms do not have a risk assessment policy

Nearly a fifth (17%) of companies within the marketing, advertising and PR sector do not have a risk assessment policy in place.

Over two-thirds (70%) of organisations within the sector also do not provide health and safety information such as posters and leaflets. More than four in five also fail to provide their staff with annual health and safety training.

The research finds one in six (16%) business leaders and decision makers in the marketing, advertising and PR sector do not consider health and safety a priority.

Source: Hiscox

Loyalty schemes will influence over two-thirds of festive shoppers this season

Over two-thirds (68%) of shoppers report that loyalty schemes will be an important influence over where they shop this festive season.

While loyalty is an important influence for many shoppers, 79% say they are prepared to purchase from online stores they don’t normally use over the festive season.

Shoppers may be looking to loyalty schemes to save money over the festive season, and are also looking to buy things in bigger packs where possible. More than two-thirds (68%) say they are buying products like detergent and tissues in larger packs to save money.

In addition, when shopping online, 43% say they are willing to buy more items to save on shipping costs or get free shipping.

Source: Criteo
