On-pack codes are generating in-store data

The work being done by MySupermarket.co.uk to capture data from consumers at the time of their online purchase (www.mwlinks.co.uk/ShopperData) is a great example of how brands can derive insight and as such fills a real need in the grocery space.

However, brands still struggle to derive similar behavioural data for in-store purchases because the majority of retailers retain ownership and control of transactional data.

However, brands such as Andrex and McVities are getting round this by using unique on-pack codes to generate rich behavioural data on their own in-store consumers.

This live transactional data is being used to develop one-to-one relationships with consumers as part of sophisticated CRM programmes, which helps deliver impressive increases in sales volumes.

If knowledge is power, the shift is turning to the brand owner.

Nick Evans
Head of consumer insight and engagement, Hive Online


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