Playing host to a load of twaddle

The Diary’s fame spreads far and wide and indeed we were delighted to receive a letter and a poem from Pakistan.

The poem, written for us, is titled Travelling Salesman. While not directly concerning the trials and tribulations of advertising agencies, it nevertheless has a quality that words can’t describe.

The Diary has published the fourth stanza for you, which we think you’ll agree has a Miltonic quality.

Mister Wordsworth, if you are so.

No you’re not. He died a long time ago?

Who are you? A drummer? Ah!

Then I’m safe from literary history.

Like to buy an electric razor?

If anyone else has a poem they would like published, please contact Penguin.


Citibank pilots finance ‘shops’

Marketing Week

Citibank is to pilot financial services product shops next year as part of its plans to extend the brand across the UK. If successful, the shops will be rolled out to all major UK towns and cities. The bank plans to open two or three shops outside London, and it is understood that they will […]

IPC Ignite! to launch ‘youth’ music title

Marketing Week

IPC Media is planning to launch a music magazine aimed at the youth market. The launch will be handled by the IPC Ignite! division, which claims it will be a “cutting-edge music magazine”. IPC Ignite! already publishes the music magazines NME and Muzik. The launch will be the first at IPC Media since the completion […]