Press campaign warns on password security

Public private sector partnership The UK Council for Child Internet Safety (UKCCIS) has launched a press campaign asking parents to warn their kids about password security.

The activity is the latest stage of the “Click Clever Click Safe” initiative launched in December. The initiative aims to create a safer online environment by educating parents and kids about the potential dangers of browsing online.

The press ads are headed “Help Your Kids Keep Their Passwords Private” and introduces a character called “Lexi” who is a “bit of a loudmouth” and gives out her online password.

It implores parents to “get your kids to “zip it” and keep their passwords private.

The UKCCIS consists of organisations from industry, charities and the public sector. It was setup to work with the Government to deliver the recommendations from Dr Tanya Byron’s “Safer Children in a Digital World” report.

The press campaign is supported by the Department for Children, Schools and Families.
