Purpose-driven ads, voice search, loyalty: 5 killer stats to start your week

We arm you with all the marketing stats you need for the coming week including Google retaining top spot in YouGov’s global brand health rankings and shoppers being more loyal to Aldi and Lidl than the big four supermarkets.

1. Channel 4 claims young audiences are more receptive to purpose-driven ads

Young people aged between 16 and 34 are more likely to resonate with important issues through purpose-driven advertising.

A study of people in the 16-34 and 35-65 age brackets found 55% of respondents believe brands should use their power for good, while 45% argue they should only focus on selling products and services.

Young people are particularly receptive to ads containing a wider societal or cultural message, with 60% of 16- to 34-year-olds claiming to notice ads more if they address important issues compared to 55% of 35- to 44-year-olds and just 37% of those aged 45 or older.

Strong ethics is also important, with 56% of those aged 16-34 more likely to associate ethical products with good quality. Most young people also suggest they’re willing to pay more for ethical products – 56% of 16- to 34-year-olds compared to 44% of those aged 35 and over.

A perceived lack of ethics has a negative impact on impressions of a brand, with 41% of young people claiming to have boycotted a brand because they didn’t agree with what it stood for, compared to 33% of those aged 35+.

Source: Channel 4

2.John Lewis earns UK’s top spot on brand health index and Google dominates overall ranking

Google has retained top spot in YouGov’s BrandIndex global brand health ranking ahead of YouTube, while Facebook has fallen two places to fifth.

The top 10 has been dominated by tech brands with Samsung jumping one place to third position followed by Whatsapp, Facebook, Amazon, Ikea, Colgate, UniQlo and Lego.

Ikea, UniQlo and Lego are new entrants, replacing iPhone, Toyota and Adidas.

In the UK, John Lewis and BBC iPlayer (39.2) retain the top two spots, while Marks & Spencer (39.0) has climbed one place to third and Sony has dropped out of the top 10.

Heinz (37.8) also made top 10 followed by Ikea (36.5), Samsung (36.3), Amazon (36.0), Cathedral City (35.7), BBC One (35.5) and Boots (34.9).

The rankings are determined by overall brand health, using data collected from 26 countries.

Source: YouGov

3. Newspaper inserts slip below magazine and third-party inserts

Overall insert volumes have dropped by 25% during the past 12 months to 908 million driven by a major decline in newspaper inserts, which have dropped by 72% in the last year.

Magazine and third-party inserts have remained relatively stable, falling by 9% (137 million) and 9% (109 million) respectively.

The overall volume of the inserts industry has declined by 45% since 2014, although the third-party channel has actually increased over the same period by 9.8%.

Source: DMA

4. Digital marketers are not strategically addressing the impact of voice search

Digital marketers are aware voice search will impact the way they market products and services, however 29% of them are not actively addressing the changing landscape and maximising the impact on the industry.

Another 36% of marketers are aware of the changes brought by voice search and 25% believe they can incorporate it into their marketing strategy.

Meanwhile, just 43% confess to investing into advertising with Amazon’s voice search.

The most popular tactic marketers are adopting to address the change is reassessing product names to reflect how users speak (32%).

Source: Greenlight Digital

5. Shoppers more loyal to Aldi and Lidl than big four

UK shoppers are more loyal to the German discounters Aldi and Lidl than the big four supermarkets Sainsbury’s, Tesco, Asda and Waitrose, as a new report suggests choice is not just driven by price.

Discounters Aldi (+72) and Lidl (+63) have the highest net promoter scores, meaning they’re both 10 points clear of the big four. Waitrose comes in third (+58) followed by Asda (+45), Morrisons (+38), Sainsbury’s (+36), Tesco (+33) and Co-op (+25).

Overall, loyalty to grocery stores is generally low with almost half (48%) of shoppers saying they wouldn’t care if their usual grocer closed. Another 57% express a preference to shop somewhere other than their usual store, and one in eight shoppers have switched their alliance to a new go-to store over the last year.

Source: TCC Global
