Ritson’s Mini MBA launches alumni network

The network is open to the 20,000 alumni of the Mini MBA in Marketing and Brand Management and offers monthly Q&As with Mark Ritson, as well as an online community and learning opportunities.

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The Mini MBA by Mark Ritson has set up an alumni network to provide the more than 20,000 people who have taken part with an online community and learning resource once they have completed the course.

The aim of the Mini MBA Alumni Network is to support participants as they apply their skills in the real world. It also enables alumni to provide and receive peer-to-peer expertise, while facilitating connections and opportunities for career development.

As part of the £195 + VAT annual subscription, members will also receive monthly Q&As with Ritson, access to the course materials and additional resources curated by the community.

The network will also provide an opportunity for participants to share case studies and create discussions around their own experiences of applying their learning in Alumni Stories.

In addition, content commissioned specifically for the alumni network will be created based on demand, while a peer-led forum has been set up for participants to share knowledge and seek support. There is also a searchable membership database and opportunities to input into further course development.

The Mini MBA Alumni Network is available to anyone who has participated in either the Mini MBA in Marketing or Brand Management since 2016. Those who enrol in further courses remain a member of the alumni network during their learning.

For more information about the Alumni Network and to become a member, sign into your Mini MBA account and visit the ‘My Courses’ page.
