RNID appoints Whitewater to handle direct marketing

The Royal National Institute for Deaf People (RNID) has appointed direct marketing agency Whitewater to review and deliver a new approach to its fundraising activities.


The agency won the brief after a two-way pitch.

The agency will first audit the charity’s current fundraising activity and the challenges the charity faces, such as decreasing awareness and being a cause, which it says “doesn’t tug at the heart strings of many people”.

RNID plans to develop a new donor strategy build a more sustainable approach to donations to improve donor retention.

Vicky Haywood, director of individual giving says, “We are delighted to be working with Whitewater.  They have their finger on the pulse with a real understanding of the challenges we face.  As our strategic partner we will benefit from their insight and innovative thinking to help us create an ambitious and effective strategy.”


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