Robinsons looks to be “next best thing” to water with £10m campaign

Robinsons is positioning itself as the “next best thing” to water as its revamps its brand with a £10m campaign, new packaging and the launch of seven new flavours in an effort to get more consumers drinking squash.

The brand is hoping to advance the “mature” squash category with a three-point growth plan, which involves engaging with families, simplifying the role of the category and driving squash consumption through innovation.

Jonathan Gatward, GB marketing director for Britvic, told Marketing Week: “More recently we have not seen the squash category grow and benefit in the growth towards healthier drinks.

The total squash and cordial category was worth £514.2m in 2014 according to data from Nielsen, down 3.8% year-on-year. Although Robinson’s was the category leader with £212.5m in sales, the brand had also seen a drop of 9% compared to 2013.

He adds: “There’s a disconnect between macro consumer trends and people’s perceptions of the category, so there’s an opportunity to take advantage of both the category and the brand.”

Gatward says the first part of Robinsons new strategy is the launch of its “Play Thirsty” brand purpose campaign.

“People grew up with squash and it has been passed down from parents to kids for a number of generations, but we weren’t making enough of that connection,” he explained.

A 60-second ad titled “They grow up fast” will launch on 11 April in an attempt to “cement the role the category plays in consumers lives” by promoting Robinsons role in family life, according to Gatward.

The campaign will also be supported by 10 second TV spots that will promote the brand’s new flavours, as well as out of home, digital outdoor and online advertising.


Meanwhile, Robinsons will also attempt to “simplify” the role of the category and promote healthier choices through its “Drink More Water” print campaign, which is based on the insight that people aren’t drinking as much water as they should.

The brand is trying to promote its five-calorie per glass content as “the next best thing” to water.

The campaign follows the brand’s recent choice to pull its full sugar products as part of Britvic’s commitment to reduce calories across its portfolio, with the company also removing its full sugar Fruit Shoot variants.

Ultimately, Gatward says the opportunities for the brand lie in how it can drive more usage through innovation, such as through the launch of new packaging, which will attempt to highlight the message of “real fruit in every drop”, and through the creation of seven new flavours.

“We also launched Squash’d this time last year, and we’ve launched another four flavours under the range to try and get people to consume more water on the go.”

“We’re thinking about how we can take a category which is well loved and try and make it much more active and participant in modern family life,” he says.


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