The Founding 50


Mandy Smith

Marketing services manager, Cancer Research UK

I’ve been in marketing for just over five years now. Since I was tiny I’ve always been interested in TV adverts and how companies decided what to run, but as I grew up and discovered a love of maths and data, I got more interested in performance marketing.

I really enjoy analysing campaign data and working out which campaigns are spending money effectively and which campaigns need a bit more love and attention to get them off the ground.

To get more young people to consider marketing as a career, I think explaining just how many different roles there are in marketing can be really inspiring. There’s everything from analysts to designers, it’s such a broad industry. I think it’s also really important to make it clear just how big of a role marketing can have on a business. It can be the difference between having your most successful year ever or a year where everything remains really stale and flat.