
Ruth Mortimer

Reinvention, not cost cutting, should be the stimulus for reorganisation

Ruth Mortimer

It takes an accomplished marketer to argue that a 12 per cent reduction in headcount in the marketing department is a positive step. So congratulations to Unilever’s global marketing chief Keith Weed, who presented his brand’s marketing vision for the future this week, promising to create such a streamlined, effective marketing machine that an estimated 840 people will no longer be necessary. 


2013: The year in mobile brands

Lara O'Reilly

Since the dawn of the handset, the “year of mobile” has long been predicted. Whether 2013 could aptly clinch that title will be for the historians to decide in decades to come, but the year was certainly a packed one for handset makers, operators and the newcomers harnessing mobile to make their fortune.