
The Marketing Week

Seb Joseph

Welcome to The Marketing Week, your guide to the good, the bad and the ugly in the marketing industry over the last seven days.

Outsourcing social is a damage limitation exercise

Tess Waddington

It was interesting to hear the head of social and PR at Pret A Manger suggest at MW Live 2014 that outsourcing social media was a ‘basic error’ (MW 3 July). What Julia Monro does not appreciate is that some businesses simply do not have the time or expertise to do it properly. Employing an […]

Working towards a single customer view

Tess Waddington

I agree that at present ‘the single customer view (SCV) is unattainable’. In our experience, many companies have a long way to go in gathering data from established channels such as websites, mobile apps and social media and across devices.  Unfortunately most seem to be trying to use data designed for other purposes to achieve […]

Cannes Adobe Sunset drinks index

Club MarketingWeek and Adobe Sunset Drinks

Samuel Joy

The sun shone and the champagne fizzed as Marketing Week and Adobe hosted their Sunset Drinks on the roof terrace of the Radisson Blu hotel on June 16 2014. Can you spot yourself or your colleagues enjoying the sunshine (and networking, of course)?

Extended influence of the baby-boomers

Tess Waddington

Your article on baby-boomers established how older people are feeling ignored by advertisers – and rightly so. But the real trick that marketers may be missing lies in the increasing scope of product sectors across which these baby-boomers are now the primary purchasers. The housing crisis and youth unemployment have helped to create a situation […]


The Marketing Week

Seb Joseph

Welcome to The Marketing Week, your guide to the good, the bad and the ugly in the marketing industry over the last seven days.

This 50-something is digging her heels in

Tess Waddington

Did Marketing Week intentionally use Hotter as an example of bad practice or was it simply a wonderful example of irony? Making a sweeping statement such as: “ When we reach 50… comfort starts to override the more glamorous aspects of footwear” is exactly the kind of stereotyping that us 50+ consumers find so annoying.  […]

Joydeep Bhattacharya

Foreword: Getting digital right

Michael Barnett

Digital continues to transform the world and according to the Accenture Interactive 2014 CMO Insights Research, chief marketing officers know this*, with 78 per cent of those surveyed believing that marketing will undergo a fundamental change in the next five years.