Unicef drive aims to woo new mothers
The United Nations Children’s Fund (Unicef) is looking at an initiative which targets new mothers as part of its plans to launch a long-term fundraising campaign.
It is believed to be the first time any charity has undertaken such a long-term programme.
Unicef will contact mothers through its Baby Friendly Initiative (BFI), which provides information on the benefits of breastfeeding.
The charity is looking for corporate sponsorship for its breastfeeding packs, which will contain name and address forms to data-capture the mothers’ personal details.
Business development manager Claire Williams says the charity is considering building a database to maintain contact with parents through the early years of their child’s life. The aim is to advise and inform, as well as to raise funds.
The charity already contacts all new mothers in 100 UK maternity hospitals but it aims to expand that to over 300 hospitals.
Direct marketing manager Dave Girling says: “Given the contact parents have with Unicef through BFI, there is potential for us to build strong, long-term relationships with them.”
This week, the new health minister Tessa Jowell endorsed BFI as part of National Breastfeeding Week.