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Comet’s sales challenge
Comet’s new strapline “Come and play” to help it reposition around lifestyle has attracted plenty of comment online.
Read the original story at www.marketingweek.co.uk/Comet play and a comment extract below.
By differentiating an in-store experience at the right price points, Comet can offer an in-store experience to the mass market. This increases its opportunity to sell, which ultimately provides a benefit to the customer and aligns to individual customers choice factors.
However, Comet needs to ensure that a customer seeking product knowledge makes a purchase at Comet, and does not just use the information gathered in-store to go online for a cheaper price at a different retailer.
Ikea ad is a catastrophe
Ikea’s new Happy Inside TV campaign featuring cats also drew several opinions. Read the story at www.marketingweek.co.uk/Ikeacats
Has the Ikea marketing department lost all sense? Has it overlaid potential shoppers against a database of cat lovers and thought “let’s use cats”
This ad is a waste of media budget and has no real strategy. A basic principle of good marketing is “don’t tell consumers how they should think or feel”. Ikea has blundered on Happy Inside.
Richard Wallace