Month: August 1998

Levi’s ditches 501 ads as denim market fails

Marketing Week

Levi Strauss is abandoning its advertising support for the 501 brand after 13 years and instead launching a TV and cinema branding campaign which does not feature any jeans. The change in strategy comes as the UK jeans market faces a slump. According to ACNielsen-MEAL, UK sales of Levi’s fell 7.8 per cent over the […]

Carlson Worldwide hands 4.5m task to Leith Agency

Marketing Week

Travel agency Carlson Worldchoice has handed its 4.5m above- and below-the-line account to The Leith Agency and its direct arm One to One. Leith and One to One pitched as The Silvermills Group against through-the-line agencies JWT (Manchester), Yellow M, Faulds and incumbent Martin Tait Redheads. The Bridge pitched for above-the- line creative alone and […]


Marketing Week

Talk Radio will run a tongue-in-cheek poster campaign featuring presenters like Danny Baker, James Whale and Lorraine Kelly, who are also well-known television personalities. The 1.5m campaign, created by advertising agency Walsh Trott Chick Smith, will use startling images including a bare bottom, to promote individual shows. Talk currently has 2.3 million listeners, according to […]

Miller Freeman no cheapskate

Marketing Week

I read with interest your article Showdown (MW July 23). It was less a showdown and more an ambush and I would like to redress the balance. The article states that, according to Miller Freeman. Incentive International and International Confex were both running at Earl’s Court to save costs. This is news to me and […]

Unilever drops O&M in reshuffle

Marketing Week

Unilever has dropped Ogilvy & Mather from its international laundry detergent roster and will split the agency’s accounts, worth an estimated 15m, between J Walter Thompson and Ammirati Puris Lintas.

DMB&B wins Avon account

Marketing Week

DMB&B has won the 2m UK Avon account as a result of a 39m worldwide consolidation of creative and media advertising into the MacManus Group network. In the UK, various creative agencies, including the O’Connell Partnership and HHCL & Partners, have worked on the creative work with Avon’s in-house unit in the past. Last year […]

Heart charity opts for AMV after review

Marketing Week

The British Heart Foundation has handed Abbott Mead Vickers.BBDO its 1.5m advertising account, following a review out of TBWA GGT Simons Palmer. AMV pitched against Partners BDDH and BMP DDB for the business. British Heart Foundation director of communications, Maxine Smith, called the review following the merger of incumbent TBWA Simons Palmer with GGT. The […]

Do loose-food laws need tightening up?

Marketing Week

Supermarkets are failing to adequately label the additives in loose food such as fresh fruit and fish, and, according to food pressure groups, they risk endangering the lives of consumers. Apples glazed with beeswax and smoked mackerel with colouring are two examples of food that is sold loose, while containing additives. But loose food is […]

FCA! to take on single mums ad campaign

Marketing Week

FCA! has won the 2.5m Department of Social Security account to launch a campaign encouraging unemployed lone parents into work. Pitches for the New Deal for Lone Parents programme were conducted by the Central Office of Information. FCA! beat Bates Dorland and Ogilvy One. The integrated campaign, featuring television, press and outdoor advertising and direct […]

Hertz picks Harraway for top job

Marketing Week

The Fashion Café’s vice president of sales and marketing, Elizabeth Harraway, has left the company after just five months in the job to join car rental company Hertz Europe as director of retail sales and marketing for leisure services.

Nokia store to open in London

Marketing Week

Mobile phone manufacturer Nokia is to open a flagship retail store in London in a joint venture with Carphone Warehouse. The Regent Street store will be “a cross between the Levi’s store and Nike Town”, says Carphone Warehouse chief executive Charles Dunstone. Due to open in late September, it will be the first time a […]

Ford settles dispute over Focus brand

Marketing Week

Ford has settled a dispute over the Focus brand name in Germany with publisher Burda-Verlag out of court. Ford filed a case in the German courts to clarify ownership of the Focus name, which is already used by Burda’s German current affairs magazine Focus. Burda claimed the name of the new car – which is […]

Poster boys get a good pasting

Marketing Week

The poster industry knows how to enjoy itself and last week’s More Group bash was no exception. Group chief executive Roger Parry and managing director of the bus shelter business Peter Smyth invited hundreds of guests to a Texas-themed bar in Trafalgar Square to celebrate the company’s takeover by Texan communications giant Clear Channel. JC […]

WRU court case puts sponsorship on trial

Marketing Week

It was a hot, happy August day in 1995 when Scottish Life Assurance signed a four-year title sponsor contract with Welsh Rugby Union (WRU). Neither imagined three years down the line, they would be slugging it out in the High Court over claims of broken promises (MW July 30). Late last month, Scottish Life Assurance […]