Month: December 2002

Coca-Cola GB rolls out Berry Fanta in UK

Marketing Week

Coca-Cola Great Britain is planning to launch Berry Fanta in the UK in February to build on the success of the carbonated drinks brand. Berry Fanta is a “naturally flavoured berry soda” and was launched in the US in August to take on PepsiCo’s berry-based product Pepsi Blue, which launched in July. Fanta has proven […]

Jack boosts size with back-board gimmick

Marketing Week

Jack, the A5-sized men’s magazine, is rethinking its format and attaching a back-board to the magazine so that it can be placed alongside the larger mainstream men’s titles, such as FHM and Loaded. Jack will no longer be sent to retailers in its little display boxes. Its next issue, on the shelves from tomorrow (Thursday), […]

WKD hang the mistletoe

Marketing Week

WKD, Beverage Brands’ premium packaged spirit, has put up the UK’s highest sprig of ‘media mistletoe’ on an 80ft by 60ft Mega Profile poster site overlooking Newcastle’s Tyne Bridge. The banner initiates a &£3m national outdoor campaign created by Big Communications. Media was planned and bought by John Ayling.

BBH launch drug-rape ad campaign

Marketing Week

Bartle Bogle Hegarty is launching a TV, cinema and poster campaign this week to raise awareness of the risk of drug-rape. The campaign, which targets 18to 34-year-olds, is backed by the Metropolitan Police.

Power brands begin to stretch credibility

Marketing Week

Unilever’s axing of Domestos’ extension products has put the concept of ‘power brands’ under the spotlight. Is the pressure for innovation forcing marketers into ill-judged brand-extension programmes? Sonoo Singh reports

O2 draws up agency shortlist in direct marketing business review

Marketing Week

O2 UK is reviewing its direct marketing business and has drawn up a shortlist of agencies to pitch for the account. The review covers both its consumer and business divisions and is estimated to be worth more than £1m. O2 UK head of business marketing Fiona McGilchrist is conducting the review. The mobile phone operator […]