5 killer stats to start your week

We arm you with all the stats you need to prepare for the coming week and help you understand the big industry trends.

1. Ad blocking growth slows

More than a fifth of UK internet users will use ad blocking software this year, but growth in its uptake is beginning to slow.

By the end of 2018, eMarketer expects 22.2% of UK internet users to use an ad blocker, a downgrade of previous estimates as the growth rate drops from 10.3% in 2017 to 8.1% next year.

Source: eMarketer

2. Why marketers move jobs

71% of marketers would take a pay cut if they were offered a role with better workplace culture, although just 9% would take more than a 10% cut.

Training is also important, with 19% rating it as the most important aspect of receiving a promotion and 37% saying they would sacrifice a job offer if training wasn’t offered.

Source: Hays

3. The issue of media measurement

70% of senior marketers believe media measurement currents are becoming ‘increasingly corrupted and nearly a quarter (23%) are ‘losing sleep’ over the issue.

Most feel there has been little or no progress in industry measurement since 2015, with expected improvements to attribution and cross-device tracking ‘painfully slow’.

Source: MediaSense, ISBA & IPSOS Connect

4. Brits tighten their belts

Two-thirds of Brits plan to take the start of summer as an opportunity to start tightening their budgets.

43% plan to use more online discounts and vouchers, 39% will switch to more affordable brands and 32% will set their own budgets.

Source: Affilinet

5. Samsung takes over as top TV advertiser

Samsung was the top TV advertiser in May, investing in 2,865 minutes of airtime, up 22% compared to the previous month.

Moneysupermarket was the second biggest with 2,100 minutes, down 14%, while rival Compare the Market has upped its screen time with a 58% increase in ads.

Source: 4C
