Month: May 2012

Polar bear

Keeping your cool

Michael Barnett

How can cool brands stay that way? Some businesses have been around for decades yet manage to stay hot, while others find themselves absorbed into the mainstream. Michael Barnett discovers the secrets to keeping off the well-beaten track.

Ruth Mortimer

Get involved in the talent conversation

Ruth Mortimer

British businesses are failing to protect their talent. While one in five employees is apparently planning a job move in the next 12 months, just 29% of firms say staff defection is a significant concern, according to a report from Vodafone on corporate risk. Just 10% of those surveyed claimed to have robust plans in […]

Is celebrity content in our campaigns of real value?

Marketing Week

News of the latest Marks & Spencer campaign featuring Joanna Lumley ( raised a debate in the Summersault office over the value of celebrity content in campaigns and publications. As consumers, we are bombarded daily with celebrity endorsements for everything from coffee to holidays. What does this say about marketers’ views of what motivates and […]

Web comment: The dying art of grammar

Marketing Week

The Secret Marketer highlighted a possible generation gap in the importance of good grammar and style in internal and external communications in a recent column. Find the article here and comment extracts below. I completely agree that communication is an art. I strongly believe that spelling and grammar are vital to a company’s professionalism, […]

Mark Ritson

The three stooges of marketing theory

Mark Ritson

For every time I encounter a marketer with awesome insights, distinctive positioning, the right brand architecture and disruptive execution, I have to struggle through multiple inane, flabby marketing presentations. In particular, I’d like to emphasise three approaches that seem to crop up with frightening consistency and which immediately signal that a marketing plan is crap […]


Mapping out the high street

Michael Nutley

Consumers are increasingly happy to receive marketing messages via their mobile phones, as long as they offer something of specific, targeted value. Location-based marketing is a great way for brands to do just that


It’s video, but not as you know it

Josie Allchin

Gavin Stirrat, managing director, EMEA, Millenial Media The desire to communicate brand messages using video has been persistent since the first TV ad by Bulova Watches in 1941. The ability to translate this brand experience to a mobile device has been eagerly anticipated ever since Vodafone and Fox promoted American TV series 24 through a […]


Shining on the small screen

Maeve Hosea

With emails flooding peoples’ smartphone inboxes, brands need to think about the best way to cut through the distractions facing mobile users and grab their attention.

Mr Mrs Smith

Be a social media climber

Nicola Smith

Managing your brand’s reputation online has got a whole lot harder now that social media comments have a bearing on search results. Nicola Smith talks to top brands on how they stay prominent in listings, particularly with the arrival of Google+


E.on announces price pledge

Seb Joseph

E.on has vowed not to raise energy prices this year, despite rising wholesale costs, as part of wider efforts to regain the trust of UK consumers.